Sunday, April 27, 2008

21 Malcome

It wasn't that hard to find.....I was staying in Chessington North with Collin and Rowena which is just south of London proper. I made my way to King's Cross station and took the national rail up to Cambridge. I couldn't get a hold of Luke by phone so I figured I would just end up on his doorstep. In the hour or so time it took me to get up there I figured it was going to be annoying to try and figure out where in the hell 21 Malcome St. was but it turns out Cambridge isn't so big and it was easy to follow the posted map. Luckily for me Luke came to the door even if it was with an "oh shit". I have been introduced to random people around town as his friend from Colorado and most of them have replied with "another one?". Both Stelth and Rene have come up many times and thanks to them and the good impressions they have left on people I seem to be alright by them. Luke's flat is wonderful. I guess there are 10 or some people living there, mostly girls, all of whom seem great people. I am staying in the "penthouse" a.k.a. "attic" a.k.a. the top floor. There is an extra mattress laid in front of two windows that lead to the new reading spot. It is perfect. I look forward to the next week here walking around the city, visiting all of the colleges with all of their gardens, sculptures, and architectural oddities. In the library now....reading up.

new plans.
.going to East Grinstead.
.Up to Liverpool in a week or two....I just spoke with Neil and I am going to stay with his sister Dinah. He is then going to put me onto a boat over to Ireland. There are a few houses that I get to stay at so I hope to be there for a week or two.
.Over to Amsterdam and down towards Spain in no particular time frame. Vic will be on the east side and holy shit he is a rock climber! He is just as excited about me being so excited that I am going to have to spend a while with him at the villa before I head over to work. Maybe I will stay in Spain until the end of the summer and then up to Sweden and about.
.Wiebe will be about the continent some time in June. We are going to make it a point to end up in the same place at the same time and it looks like it may be Italy.

Who knows....not me.

1 comment:

Calvin said...

The blissful freedom of loneliness... I myself just landed in Springdale , Utah. I'm here for the summer guiding trips and getting sunburned.

I hope your opportunities pan out. I know yu will make the most of any misadventure, and if you make it to Garda Lake in northern Italy bring some climbing gear - it's amazing.