Monday, June 9, 2008

Finnish friends conversing naked in a sauna

So, I know it has been a long time but sometimes things are better left unwritten. I have just left Finland and am being blown away, literally, in Estonia. More on that later...

The day I reached Helsinki I met up with this guy Jukka whom I had arranged to stay with through couchsurfing. To turn a very long story of events into a short one.....he was not the best representation of the Finnish population so I was happy to sneak out of his small studio apartment early in the morning while he was still sleeping and move onto my next host.

Elina was one of the most incredible women I have met so far and on that note one of the first women that I have had the pleasure of spending time with. I hadn't realized until I sat down with her in her cozy apartment drinking tea at the table going through the introductions how good it felt to just sit with another woman and talk about the world. There is something that happens that just doesn't exist when you are constantly in situations with men. There is a new dimension of freedom and release. For that, I extend a huge thank to Elina. You have given me a sense of warmth that I will take with me for the rest of my journey.

Most of my time was spent walking the streets of Helsinki admiring the architecture (while sometimes listening to Architecture in Helsinki) and enjoying the sun with the rest of those who resided within the city near the sea. I walked daily through the market picking the best looking apple and banana I could find to help me through the day. I spent hours listening to the local talent that came to the Espa to play, gawked at ladies flashing their bums in the Samba Parade, and partook in cheering on the most Finnish Football Tournament around.....not really. A gang of Elina's friends annually get together and play a game of football. Whichever team makes it to ten wins. Whenever you make a goal, you drink a beer. We came to speculate right around the time when the score was 9 to 9. So, you can imagine what a state the players were in. Pure entertainment.

I am proud to say that after the football tournament I stripped all of my fears away and got naked with all of my newly found Finnish friends to join them in the sauna, one of Finland's well known traditions. I am not so proud to say that it is very hard for me to converse with people when most of them previously saw me with no clothes on. Aw well, I never thought that modesty was in my nature but deep down it must be.

With all of the barbeque's, events, boating, etc. I have not had the chance to I am enjoying the company of three Fins in Estonia and tonight I will be meeting up with Angelo, another Italian (I dont know why they keep showing up in my life, I haven't even made it to Italy yet!), for a drink and Martin, my Estonian host.....who knows what will happen?

All is well in the world.

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