Monday, July 14, 2008

Rake relationship.

Wake up.  The song is singing.  It is time to wake up.  Open your eyes.  Sit up.  Eat breakfast before the girls wake up.  Eat in peace.  Sip the mornings coffee in silence enough to hear it warm you.  Don't be late.  You are early.  Waste time.  Pace around.  Don't pace around.  You are becoming your biodad.  Take a walk.  Walk to the lake.  Take the coffee.  You forgot the coffee.  Go back and get the coffee.  Dobrý den!  Smile.  Just smile.  Good morning good morning.  God you miss America where everyone minds there own business in the morning and doesn't care to wish everyone they see a good one.  Breath.  Dobrý den!  Keep going.  The further you go the less good mornings.  45 minutes till work.  You can hear the sons of suburbia complain at their fates of mowing the lawn.  laugh.  If only you could plop them into the middle of your day.  Hill after hill of beautiful land.  It is all yours and it is all yours to tend to.  He cuts the grass, you rake the grass.  This is not an afternoon of tending to the grass.  This is a lifetimes work fending back the mane of he earth.  It may take over.  Rake the grass.  Rake the grass.  Make nice piles.  Piles and Piles.  Why don't we pick up the piles as we go?  That is tomorrows days work.  Rake the piles.  You love this rake.  It is a light wooden rake.  So primitive.  You would like a rake like this someday.  Perfect for raking up grass.  You imagine leaves too.  One long shaft that splits at the end.  The two ends peg into a long rectangular skinny piece of wood.  The wood as 10 or so pegs that poke in from the top.  Rake.  There is your rake.  Rake the grass.  Rake the daisies that seem to not make the cut on the worthwhile weeds list.  Ignore your thumb.  It wont be numb for that long.  Why only the let thumb?  Is it because you are right handed?  Watch out near the fence.  The ostriches might stick their long necks through the fence and nip you.  You don't want to get nipped.  That would be embarrassing.  then all the guys would laugh at you.  What funny animals.  They prance around like big awkward birds.  Makes sense.  They are big awkward birds.  Has a comedian imitated and ostrich yet?  One should.  That would be hilarious.  Rake the grass.  Whew.  We finished this plot.  What Mirek?  Oh.  Yea.  You look over at the next plot.  Switch your arms more often.  You don't want one arm to be bulging do you?  No.  Even it out.  Make the most of your workouts during the day.  AHHHHH!  You broke the rake.  How could you break the rake?  Walk in shame past all the guys.  The laugh at you.  You broke the rake.  How strong you are they all say.  You think it was just nature fighting back.  Pepa.  The rake.  It is broken.  He laughs too.  You think he will find you another one and say what a pity.  This rake is broken.  It is useless now.  You  miss it already.  Your wooden rake.  He eyes it and takes it into is wonder world of wood and sawdust and tools.  You wish you could work with him in there all day.  How would he know?  He drills out the split begs, he saws the end of the shaft.  He re sticks them in with some black gooey tar.  He nails them for support.  He hands it back to you with a twinkle in his eye.  Nothing is more incredible than seeing a man think to take something apart and fix it before throwing it out or rejecting it.  I need a piano key he thinks to himself.  I will make my own.  This lighter is broken you watch him think.  Maybe I will take it apart and see what is wrong with it.  Her rake is broken.  I will give it life again.  Such romance.  Rake.  Rake. Rake.  Done?  Oh.  It is five.  Milking.  Stop raking.  Start milking.  Always put hot water through the tubes first.  Don't forget.  That part is for the cow.  Get the one for the sheep.  This tube goes there.  The other one goes here.  Make sure the jug is secure.  Don't forget to plug it in.  Is there food in the spinny thing?  The sheep wont come if there isn't food.  Ready?  Ready.  Open the gate.  Start spinning.  One sheep.  Two sheep.  Five sheep.  All locked in eating.  Start milking.  Wipe the nipples with the cloth.  One cloth per utter.  Start milking.  Massage.  Massage.  Massage.  Pretend you are a lamb.  Pull a little.  Massage.  Next sheep.  Wipe.  Massage.  Next sheep.  Wipe.  Massage.  Next sheep.  Tic!  Ew.  Get the tick.  Ew. EW.  EW!  You hate these F-ing tics.  Next sheep.  Wipe.  Massage.  Phew.  turn it off.  Unhook all of the tubes.  Take it all into the smelly milking room.  Strain the milk into another jug.  Wash the first jug.  Rinse the lid.  Put the milk in the fridge.  Rinse out the tubes.  Connect the cow tubs.  Always run water in  them first.  Jitka!  Go get Jitka.  She comes.  You love milking Jitka.  The milk just comes.  So easy.  You love Jitka.  She is pregnant.  You put your ear to her belly as you are milking.  Can you here it?  No.  That was a belly rumble.  Put Jitka back in the barn.  Wash out the tubs.  Strain the milk.  Put it into the fridge.  Wash out the tubs.  Ahoj.  Ahoj.  It is already 8.  Get some food.  Eat some food.  Drink some coffee.  Go up to the loft.  Pull out Czech step by step.  Study.  Declension.  Masculine.  Feminine.  Dative.  Accusative.  Tvůj.  Ah.  Ja.  ty. on. ona. ono. my. vy. oni. ony. ono.  Was that right?  Listen to some music.  Do some jumping jacks.  Do some situps.  Do some of those things that you hate that Levi always made you do.  Do some more jumping jacks.  Let your head hit the pillow.  

rake, rake, rake.......

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