Saturday, July 26, 2008


When I was going through the painful process of packing my painfully small pack I made sure to make room for one thing.  A dress.  Not just any dress but the dress and I put the emphasis on the because it is the last dress that I knew Stelth really liked.  Not only liked but liked on me.  I made room for it because somewhere deep down I thought in the perfect world (the one that I was going to jump into in a matter of days) at just the right moment, I would be wearing that dress in some crazy country half way around the world and I would turn around and he would show up.  It would be perfect.

Today, while doing my normal milking routine, I thought about what I was going to pack in a month when I leave the farm.  I have acquired a few new t-shirts, a pair of pants, and a get the point.  Do I still make room for the dress?  I like the dress.  I bought the damn thing.  So, it is not a matter of whether or not I actually like it or not.  It is an issue of whether or not I am going to allow myself to look around each corner as though something should be standing there.  

My Aunt Renee asked my mom when I was coming home to finish school.  I am sure many people are asking when I am coming home.  Well, here is my answer:

It is three months in, I am an illegal resident of the Czech Republic, I haven't even made it all the way around Europe and for those of you who are educated on global proportions, that is a small portion of the world.  I don't know whether or not I am coming home and I don't know whether or not I am packing the damn dress. 


Anonymous said...

pack the dress.....
the world has a lot of corners.

eela said...

I somehow lost your blog but luckily found it again. Thought about you today when I saw a man with HUGE calves.
The world is full of dresses. Besides you can always wear trousers.
Take care E.

Brent and Cara said...

leave the dress and stay abroad!!! or better yet, find some european seamstress to make it into a cute bag or something- all about transformation. you are already over there- STAY! Explore. Live. You have the rest of your life to work/be a student.

Emily said...

Dear Anon- you must be a woman.
Dear Elina- huge calves? I would do anything to see a nice pair of huge calves. I am surrounded by young farm boys with huge egos and not one of them has sexy huge calves. I think I am more of a capri sort of girl but thanks for putting out the options. I miss you!
Dear Brent and CARA- you are such a nerd. There is no way I am leaving the abroad! I like the bag idea, that is so my style. Unfortunately, is it really worth having a bag inside of a bag?

Love you all.

Anonymous said...

a girl can't have too many bags...or shoes...or cute dresses...etc