Thursday, August 7, 2008

My life is a television series.

Bleh, and it is so involved I am not sure which episode to begin with.  I would normally start at the beginning but I have no idea when it all started.  I might as well begin with the episode that is slapping me in the face right now.  The one where there are too many players in the game and you cringe at all of the silly scenes that are near colliding with each other.  The one where the perfect song comes on while the girl is staining a fence and it just all occurs to her that she is trapped in a television series.  

Best way to learn a language?  Well, they all say you get a boyfriend that not only speaks the language you want to learn but doesn't speak your own.  

Scene One.  Traveling girl meets farm boy.  It is a perfect situation for both of them really.  She is nice and not from his village of 1,000 people so it is like is very own adventure.  He is cute and nothing like what she wants in a real man but exactly what she wants in her life.  Fun, young, and good looking.

Scene Two.  Girl sighs and thinks of boy that left her and wonders what he is doing and if she will ever see him again.  The sigh ends and she realizes that while he will wonder for the rest of his life if he played the game right she will wonder for the rest of her life why he had to do her a favor and she couldn't do herself one.  Another sigh.  She still thinks about him and that is just as lame.  

Scene Three.  Girl goes to city and meets a nice boy at a picnic.  He is writing his thesis, enjoys dancing with girl to good music, and has the same sort of humor.  They like each other and flirt in all of the right ways.  It could potentially go somewhere but he reminds her of the kind of guy she would be attracted too.  Maybe a half and half of two complete failure relationships in previous episodes.

Scene Four.  Girl thinks of hottest man on earth man and how he is coming soon.  He is older, does nothing but enjoy the outdoors and all it has to offer, and would probably take her along if he did not have a girlfriend.  Girl thinks that it will either potentially lead to the affair episode or the oh hey nice to see you hotty Mc Hot episode.  

Scene Five.  Girl tries to sort her shit out.  She decides to ignore all instincts to fuck with farm boy's head, he is young and she will destroy him if she gives into his sweet silly kisses and actually allows him to believe she loves him half as much as he loves her.  She keeps running like shit from home boy because yeah, it was love, but clearly she can love another...... this is a television series and it will be a bad one if she tries to turn it into some kind of unrealistic love story.  She will keep commonality boy as a dancing parter and a friend.  She needs friends.  And hotty Mc Hot?  Well, nothing is happening as of yet so I guess that leads to a future episode.  

Scene Six.  She goes to visit friend of friends who she accidentally let things go too far with.  Good thing they are both ignoring it ever happened and getting over it.  A hint of human growth and progress is evident within the series.

Such a lame television show.  I would never watch it.  Too confused, no real plot, and all to watch a chicken run around with its head caught off.  The only good thing that has come out of watching my own drama in episode form is that it is so overplayed in my head I could give a crap if anyone else knows about it at this point.  The only reason I should give a crap is because it could bite me in the ass later.  Like oh, maybe Stelth will not come to the conclusion that we were meant to be together and that he should come find me and confess his undying love for me because he read something on my blog.  Whelp.  The reality is, me not writing about it would be a game and I have no desire to play anymore.  I have the desire to move on with my life and realize that Stelth will never come out and deep deep deep down I do not want him to.  In fact, I do not think I ever did.  

There I said it.  It was all a game and now it isn't.  Somewhere deep deep deep down I was ignoring the fact that I never really wanted Stelth to come because then I would actually have to be with him again and keep playing the game and the idea of being with him was always so much better than that.  

So, that was my episode.  The next one will be about whether or not the girl goes straight to Africa or if she hangs around and relishes in her new found freedom in Prague.

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