Wednesday, August 20, 2008

on the side

keep eyes on her
she could see his sweat follow the trails of the pads of her fingertips
and followed it back to the night that she dug deep into his back
as he dug deep into her
she wonders if he found what he was looking for
if you find what you are looking for
do you then start looking for more?

and the clocks are ticking but she can't hear them
and when she sees them
ahem hem hemmm
cough, sneeze, cover your ears
why give into them and fall on your knees
when you can pass each day from one breath to the next
if you have nothing to loose
you have everything to get
and even more to give
and oh so much to take.

she admires her bruised thighs and wonders how they came to be
could that have been the night
that was never within her reality?
she aimlessly passes passengers passing by on the train
and wonders which one of them sees her for what she is
she smiles at everything and cries at nothing
she does things because she can and their are no bounds
her world is circular and she can circumnavigate
keep eyes on her and she will keep eyes on you

she doesn't allow herself to exist because what will that do?
It will force her to believe that there is a me 
and there is a you
and why should we be subject to such silly
rules of engagement?

a will of sorts is all she really has
because at the end of the day of the day she is no more
she doesn't take things with her and to let them rot would be a bore
and to let them go to the wrong places would be treacherous
how will people know her if they don't receive what they were meant to learn?

the creation in her imagination is all she cares to keep
and the only thing she can hope for is to categorize it properly
maybe in boxes of various sizes
stacked high in many rooms
all she wants is to know herself and how can she
if she doesn't know where to put all of the stuff she knows?

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